Throughout the year I have done numerous projects and looked at many different ideas for inspiration. I have researched into trend prediction, current and past trends and printed textiles. I have looked at various ideas which have been strong starting points such as the recession, destruction, the natural world, animals, organic, synthetic and even randomness.
I found various and interesting designers which inspired my work, and I have come across new techniques which I have applied to my work over the year. I have been inspired by various artists and designers, but I have been especially inspired by photography. I looked at numerous photographers such as Richard Misrach and many up and coming photographers who are non-fashion related. This year I have found my self fascinated with Digital Print, and I have used Digital Print throughout the year. I have found inspiration in the work of designers such as Basso and Brook, Christopher Kane and Prada.
Over the year I have had many strengths and weaknesses in my work, and I have used my journal to write about some of the problems I had with projects and to also write about my ideas and how my work is developing. I used my journal to write up my weekly tutorials.
This year I have done six projects, Think Tank (Part 1 - Fashion Intelligence, Part 2 Trend book), Authorship, Testing, and two Digital Print Supporting Studies.
I found the Fashion intelligence project to be a great insight on trend prediction, however I would say this was my weakest project. I enjoyed working as a group on the first part of the project, when it came to making the trend book I feel I had a strong set of ideas but my print designs and the layout of the trend book just wasn’t strong enough.

The authorship project was a very enjoyable project for me. After not being happy with my trend book in the Fashion Intelligence project I decided to attempt another trend book as I am really interested in trend books and trend analysis. Again I feel that my strengths in this project lay in my ideas development. My weaknesses lay in the finished trend book and the whole presentation itself. I feel that the strongest of the projects was the ‘Testing’ project, however it did have its weaknesses. I had a strong range of ideas however I could have drawn on a wider range of sources and my print designs could have had more work on them. I found the project really interesting and it was great to contact designers and enter competitions, something which I have carried on doing since finishing this project. I found the two supporting study projects really interesting and enjoyable, and I learnt a lot of new Photoshop and Illustrator skills which can now be used in my future work. It was defiantly a very valuable experience. I really enjoyed this project and I enjoyed the experimental approach to working with imagery. I was pleased with my final print designs in both projects however I feel that they could have been more sophisticated and I could have illustrated my prints on a wider range of flats and illustrations, which I would say are my weaknesses in this project.
I often include current trends, and interesting designers or photographers which I have come across in my journal, I find this really helpful as I can always go back and use the information for future projects. Overall, I have enjoyed all of the projects I have done so far. I have been faced with problems but learnt to overcome them, and developed new ways of working.