One thing I love about New York is the great people watching. Like, you could just be sitting at, say, Spitzer's, an always packed "gastropub" in the Lower East Side and randomly take pictures of stylish passersby. This was the case when my girlfriend Robyn and I met up for drinks and a long overdue catch-up session on Thursday evening...
This girl passed by once and I missed her. Fortunately she passed by again so I shouted out to her, "Excuse me! Can I please take your picture!" How cool is she in her Pucci-esque ensemble?! And check out those shoes. This ain't an easy look to pull off, and she's rockin' it!

These ladies prove that you just can't go wrong with black and white...

This is Jodi Lin. I met her at Patrick McDonald's "Cocktails & Cufflinks" party earlier this season (see coverage below). She just happened to pass by and I just happened to shout out at her not knowing it was her at first. That's what I love about NYC. You always run into people you haven't seen in while....Loving the wraparound wedges, btw.

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