Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
On the street...Broadway & Houston, SoHo
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Miley Cyrus Rides a Cruiser
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Deliciously Pink Series – Pink Banana Bicycles & Heather
Heather looking decidedly sweet on this little pink bicycle ride.
Another dreamy pink bicycle sent in by Bruce.
Deliciously Pink Series – The Pink Bicycle Tea Room
Continuing with the deliciously pink series...The Pink Bicycle Tea Room. Located in historic Virginia, in the charming town of Ocoquan. It looks lovely!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Japan Fashion Week Party @ Aloha Rag...Greenwich St., NYC
Japan Fashion Week in Tokyo is approaching (Sept. 1 - 7), so to showcase some of its celebrated designers organizers threw an exclusive party Tuesday night in NYC at the ultra-hip Aloha Rag boutique in SoHo. Unfortunately I won't be attending Japan Fashion Week this season, but fingers crossed that my favorite fellow fashion writer Glenn Belverio and I will be Tokyo-bound come next season...
Lovely models showcasing looks for Fall '08 (in store now)

Of course Japanese fashion is fabulous, but what's more is being fabulous at any age...

Glenn Belverio and moi

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Deliciously Pink Series – Paris Hilton & her Pink Cruiser
I was checking out cycleliocious and found out
Anyway …She looks so much better with her pink cruiser than she did before on her old other bicycle….don’t you agree!
***photo source/credit:andrikaanna
******the above photo link of Paris on her MTB looking all grungy has been lost.
Deliciously Pink Series – pinkbikesite
a delicious pink bicycle theme has inspired me to share this with you.
First starting with this question: Do you have a pink bicycle?
Then you've got to I love this site.... pinkbikesite. So many pretty pink bicycles!
Here are a couple photos I think you’ll enjoy.
photo source:
Eve in Hungary at a Critical Mass ride.
Cynthia in the desert…last year 2007 at
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Giant Step Presents Bobbito (a.k.a. Kool Bob Love) @ Hudson
Why hate Monday? Especially if Monday means dancing the night away (or at least until 11 pm...) at the Hudson Bar with Bobbito, a.k.a. Kool Bob Love, on the ones and twos. The event was part of Giant Step's Monday night music series--this one being 14 of 20. The crowd was all smiles and styles, gettin' loose on an illuminated glass dance floor to Bob's mix of everything from funk and house, to Latin and classic rock.
This is how every week should be broken in...
The always lovely Ms. Robyn Fernandes

Looking dapper in blazers

Dig the hat and vest

One of my favorite things: Party people on the dancefloor

Monday, August 11, 2008
Kinda Silly...Vintage Raleigh..What You Get with Bad Credit
Can't afford a car? What about a new brand bicycle? Bad Credit? Then of course you're going to be reduced to buying a vintage (used) bicycle with everyone else looking down at you? NOT REALLY!!!
Anyway on to some of the lyrics:
"Now I'm rollin eco-friendly,
But I still look bad,
When the bike store saw my credit,
They said, 'This is all we have'"
But wait he's riding a pretty forest green, in excellent condition looking, vintage Raleigh. This is a beautiful ride!!!
Like I said this is a silly, silly commercial.
But I laughed.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Vintage Bicycles, Oh My!
Yes, and all the while looking incredibly chic and cool doing so!
But here’s what I’ve gleaned so far from my fellow bicycle bloggers. It’s a kind of round up of loosely related tidbits from here and there…
‘bicycle commuting’ is growing;
‘The term "Bicycle Commuting" took a major spike at the beginning of the second quarter of this year, almost directly coinciding with gas hitting $4 per gallon in the U.S’.
Next Sweet Georgia Brown notes she was OUTBID! The vintage Raleigh Sprite she was promised was sold out from under her, and instead it was acquired by a vintage bicycle restorer with plans to turn around and resell it, and of course for much more money.
Now this is in keeping with my own observations. I troll Craigslist for vintage bicycles...I posted a while back and urged everyone to use Craigslist in 'Bicycle for Cheap'.
Times change. Just from my own little tracking I see the prices are going up and up, the resellers are trolling Craigslist with a lot of diligence. The cheap and reasonable bicycles are disappearing in a heart beat! Especially true, say for instance a Raleigh Superb, or just about any Schwinns from the 70’s, 60’s, 50’s. All kinds of vintage cruisers go fast too. This is especially and particularity true with the ladies bicycles category…hardly much interest in vintage ladies bicycles in days past…Fixie/Mixte Diamond frames ruled, step through frames got passed on. Well what this means… girls are riding(pretty) and they like cool vintage bicycles. Duh!
Another tidbit, this time from UrbanCycleChic who blogged/noted the NY Times article;
‘Jalopy Bikes with Techie Tyres’. The full NY Times article here. Basically it’s a heads up on buying brand new hi-tech tyres for your cruiser/jalopy vintage bicycle…
Over at Bikes in the City you can find just the cutest (vintage, if not vintage looking) blue bicycle ever… getting to be the huge, megawatt star in a TV spot. Read and see the whole video here.
All adding up to convince me that vintage bicycles are hot, so hot!
Oh, and this just in as I was writing this post. Please review or enroll in bicycle riding education/ etiquette class...I blogged about just such here. Anyway according to the NY Times bicyclists are ‘Moving Targets’. Read full NY Times article here.
Due to the big upsurge in bicyclist sharing the streets in
Saturday, August 9, 2008
By the Santa Cruz Wharf
Her cruiser had the prettiest patina... just goes to show how nice it can be to leave your older bicycle as is. Don't worry about stripping it down and repainting.
And this lady has her beach suit on too, underneath... She just came from the beach. Tossed on her little beach dress and a cool, comfy shirt and off she went.
Two girlfriends at the pier, which is right next to excellent beach access. They too came right from the beach after a day of swim and sun. At first they protested when I asked to take their photo. They assured me they usually look so much better....being at the beach all day creates nasty havoc on your hair, and you don't exactly take time to put on lip gloss or anything like that.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Urban Costume Karaoke Bicycle Brigade - SF Event
Late Breaking News....Urban Costume Karaoke Bicycle Brigade: Tomorrow (Saturday) in Dolores Park, San Francisco. Thanks to cyclelicious for the heads up on this one.
Pink Tiger Beach Dress over Bikini
According to my unofficial Poll Results and some ensuing comments...
This photo is in essence the reason so many of the guys like to stop by and check out RidingPretty!
Yes, she is cute!
From a fashion point of view, her little beach dress is so perfect to wear over the bikini like so many Santa Cruz girls do.... as I have observed in a prior post.
Guest Photo--Kasha from Denver
Lovely Kasha from Denver...
Speaking of Denver, Drunk and in Charge has a post 'No Bicycles Allowed at the Convention.'
Otherwise if you look in the background of this photo there is a BIG billboard...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
By the Skateboard & Bmx Ramps
I was eating at my favorite taco/burrito stand (Las Palmas) in Santa Cruz. It's got the best $2.50 burrito...anyway it's right across the street from a skate/bmx park. This girl... so all american classic was watching the bmx guys for the longest time. You can just make out a bmx rider in the background. SO when I finished lunch she was still there. She was so sure I'd come over to take photos of the bmx guys doing their trick rides because there were really hot bmx riders really showing off.
Poll Results
The question was…
What do you wear most often when you ride your bicycle?
The results…
Skirt ..................11 ............ 22%
Dress..................6 ...............12%
Knickers ............3 ..............6%
Shorts .................8 ............ 16%
Dressy Pants ......2............ 4%
Jeans.................. 1 3.......... 26%
I’m a Guy......... 19.............38%
50 respondents in all and the poll ran for a month or so.
Here goes an interpretation, plus ‘off the top of my head’ analysis. Guys like this blog too. (A good portion of the poll numbers came from the guys.) My guess is that the guys like fashion and want to keep up with what styles the girls are wearing, shopping hints, looking good hints and all the other ‘specifically for girls’ stuff I blog about. Now, that is not to say guys aren’t ‘riding pretty’ too! I do blog about lots of other non-gender specific topics as well!
Ah…now to refocus and shift back more to my heart’s love which is a more fun filled, fashion focus.
It’s hard hunting down the fashionable female vixen and/or sweet heart on a bicycle. Not unlike going bird watching. The rare and thrilling of the species are that much more endearing. Especially, when after a long challenging pursuit… to then finally get her within your camera lens, and yours with the click of the camera.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Dirty Girl Produce Stand --Santa Cruz
She casually rode her bicycle through the market picking up this and that as she sauntered along. Most lock it up first and then stroll through the market. Santa Cruz is so laid back that no one seems to care if you park and lock your bicycle or stroll it through the market....
Notice her green beans in hand. She is prepared to pack it all away in her great floral print tote.
This is at the Santa Cruz Farmer's Market on Wednesdays downtown Santa Cruz.
Notice the sign in the background? It's for the stall right next door. I love the name Dirty Girl, they have delicious offerings as just about all the farmers do. It's the Height of Summer...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Off to Burning Man? Pink Fur your Bike-- DIY
Headed to Burning Man and want to fur you bike?
Two more photos for your inspiration…the tiger bike and this one.
Or you can attend a workshop in San Francisco ...It's Monday August 16, 6-9:30pm.
Still need more inspiration? Here’s one from
I like pink.
Oh and 'How to Fur Your Bike'...