Everyday Shopping often times can mean a run to the grocery store which is exactly where I met these stylish two. Girlfriends of course...( a hint: how did I guess...I noticed they both were wearing the same sandals and duh they rode up together!) It's nice to shop and ride with your girlfriend. Encourage each other to leave the car parked and ride instead!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Everyday Shopping
Everyday Shopping often times can mean a run to the grocery store which is exactly where I met these stylish two. Girlfriends of course...( a hint: how did I guess...I noticed they both were wearing the same sandals and duh they rode up together!) It's nice to shop and ride with your girlfriend. Encourage each other to leave the car parked and ride instead!
Weather Report
We're still having Summer Like Days..it's our Indian Summer. However, every once in awhile it clouds over and cools off and then starts to feel very autumn like.
Sporty girl on her bike. 'RidingPretty' in her own special sporty way!
Bicycle parking lot at the beach.
Long afternoon light makes for a romantic ride.
Monday, September 29, 2008
How to Send in Photos & Why you Should !
Would you like to submit photos to RidingPretty ..Bicycle / Cycle Chic Blog.?
Then you are at the right place! Just Click here.
Your photos of you or someone you see 'ridingpretty' are most WELCOME!! Since the USA is oft considered to be lagging behind and not having much of any real or viable bike culture ... THEN lets prove that we DO have very fashionable & stylish bicycle riders and our USA bike culture is HOT..
All photos from around the world are welcome. Especially if somebody somewhere is trying to tell you your country has no bike culture either. Prove that you do!
Be real, be your individualistic self, personalize your ride, and show off your style! That's how your photo submission makes the cut and will be most certainly included on the ridingpretty blog.
Keep Riding Pretty !!!
DIY..Make your own Panniers & Bike Bag Classes- Bay Area
The following is for anyone here in the Bay Area. The first class was this past Saturday so you'll want to sign up asap.
Bike Bag Mania!
September 27th 12 - 4pm at Sew Your Own
Got an idea for a bike bag, but can't seem to find it anywhere?
Need a bag that's BOTH a pannier AND a backpack?
Come to Waterside Workshops' first ever bike bag workshop, and learn to build a bag designed specifically for your bike lifestyle. Choose from one of our patterns or design your own with our guidance and tips. A few ideas:
- Convertible Backpack/Pannier
- Grocery Panniers
- Saddle Bags (aka “Burrito Bags”)
- Handlebar Bags
We have many different materials to use including recycled signs, vinyl, canvas and different types of nylon. We also have hardware, zippers, buckles, grommets, etc. You are encouraged to bring your own materials if you have something specific in mind.
The first class will function as a design brainstorm, a chance to get familiar with the machines (sewing experience is not necessary, but patience is!), and time to pick a pattern and get started. There is lots of planning, pinning and pondering before getting on a machine. There will be times available to come in the following weeks to finish your project.
The Details
What: Bike Bag Workshop
When: Saturday, September 27th - 12 to 4pm
Where: Sew Your Own at Waterside Workshops
Cost: $20 (plus $2 - $10 for materials)
Reader Submission... 'RidingPretty'at Farmers Market - Oregon
"Up here in Oregon it's turning towards fall -- leaves are falling, and it's definitely turning colder -- but the local Saturday Market is open through October, so it's a wonderful time to still get some rides in! This is a picture of my wife after a wonderful day at the market. Her basket was just crying out for this bouquet of dahlias, so I picked one up from one of the local vendors for her. They're not quite as pretty as she is, of course!
Thanks, she's been enjoying your blog!"
weightlossgrace.blogspot.com - my riding blog
Friday, September 26, 2008
Cyclelicious...Covers Cycle Chic @ Interbike 2008
Just in from Cyclelicious who is covering Interbike-International Bike Show going on right now in Las Vegas, Nevada.
I especially like these two shots out of a slew that was captured at 'The Urban Legend Fashion and Art Show'. Great job Cyclelicious!
And check out Cyclelicious's 'People of Interbike 2008' for more great photos.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Orange Like Crazy Love
She said she loved orange. Yes indeed.
Well, so much I like about this photo. The colorful stripes of her dress to start.
Kinda wish her eye glasses had shown up better. They too were a lovely shade of orange, amberish in color. She also had the best cat eye, 50's inspired eyeliner on (behind the eye glasses.)
Finally her pale orange flip flops plus the dark orange bags in her basket.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Cycle Chic Guide to Bike-to-Work Wear
This is an oldie but goodie. It originates from Cycles Gladiator; Winemaker extraordinaire! The Cycle Chic Guide is all yours as a pdf. file and you can get it right here.
It was a fashion show featuring bicycle or cycle fashions and was held during Bike to Work Week. May ’07 right here in the
A little bit of a back grounder, or a history lesson of sorts … ‘Cycle Chic’ was the name chosen by Cycles Gladiator to promote an event they called The Cycle Chic Invitational.
Here’s a YouTUBE video you can view as well. It really captures the fun and aliveness of the event. In a past post I blogged the photos from the event…here.
As a follow up the e-brochure ‘Cycle Chic Guide to Bike-to-Work Wear’ was offered. So really, check it out!
As far as I can tell this oldie but goodie ‘cycle chic’ was the very first.
Big Sur... Wedding....'RidingPretty'
This was in my mailbox this morning. Below is the note that accompanied the photos;
"I am delighted about your blog!! I heard about it because you photographed my co-worker Melissa on Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz. All of the employees at Artisans Gallery pride themselves on 'riding pretty.' We're thrilled to check it out all the time!
Thanks so much!
Ps. Thought I'd show you 'riding pretty' at a Big Sur Wedding"
Thank you so much Linnaea... I loved receiving these pretty pictures!
For everyone else, if you ever in Santa Cruz go by Artisans on Pacific Ave. Say hello to all the pretties who bicycle ride, including Melissa...whom I caught on the way to work one day wearing her incredible boots.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Bicycle Production vs Car Production
Bicycle and car production since 1950
FAT-BUSTING but not wallet-busting, the humble bicycle is an increasingly popular choice of transport. Around 130m bikes rolled off production lines in 2007 and even more are set to be made this year. Bicycle and car production grew pretty much in tandem in the two decades beginning in 1950. But since 1970 bike production has nearly quadrupled while car production has roughly doubled. Much of the recent growth has been driven by electric bikes; production has doubled since 2004, to 21m.
See the complete article at the Economist.com plus the full picture that goes with the story...just a FYI the pic contains nudity.
Thanks Bruce @ Happy Now? for another timely news tidbit!
Jump! Into a Jumpsuit that is …Incredibly NOW & CHIC Bicycle Fashion
Here is what she was wearing way back during the Summer. Great! I thought, since I have a vintage clothing collection and own no less that 10 jumpsuits (or catsuit/romper/playsuit/all-in-ones)… all of which I have stashed away in my prized storage vault. I’ve been a collector for years having been a photo stylist, wardrobe mistress, designer & ect. …all of that definitely fans the fire to acquire those special & fabulous fashion finds. Plus it’s in my blood, I have been wearing vintage since I started my collecting at age 14.
So onto to 2009’s spring season forecast for the hottest look…which was already making headway when I first blogged about it here. If you check out that old post you'll find links to some good forecasts.
It’s a good choice for bicycling and looking incredibly chic. You can expect to see it every kind of fit and fabric from all sorts of designers. All the major fashion editors have enthused. I like this one write up (out of literally dozens of write ups popping up everywhere). Here it is, NYTIMES... 'Zip, A New Attitude'.
If you are into DIY …then run to your local thrift store and peruse the sewing pattern bin/section. I found three great jumpsuit patterns for a nickel a piece just a few weeks ago.
Bicycle Chic ....Every Color Imaginable
Why repaint when your bicycle is this lovely? Really, I love all the colors and wouldn't dare touch it. It's so beautiful as is! When you find a vintage bicycle and before investing a lot of time, effort and some bucks into a re-do, consider the individualistic and artistic merits your bicycle might already possess.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Funny Facts…
Or why you can’t always trust what you read. I just realized there is a cloud of obscurity surrounding where to get your fresh fix of proudly ‘Made in the
In it, it attributes Stateside (USA) bicycle/cycle chic best blogs as belonging to first UrbanCycleChic and then the Satorialist. UrbanCycleChic is based in Hackney/London! Plus it has only been around a few short months. As far as the Sartorailist goes, he has maybe a dozen or so bicycle photos, not exactly dedicated.
Come on!
Promise, here on RidingPretty you will find and you are likely to see a wide range of highly individual bicycles… favoring vintage bicycles if anything! Cruiser bicycles show up in my photos a lot for some reason...
Don’t get me wrong…love, love, love bicycle/cycle from the rest of the 4 corners of the world. It’s just that we have plenty of bicycle/cycle chic inspiration right here! Wouldn’t you agree!
Come on!
Let’s show the world!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Santos Party House...100 Lafayette, Tribeca
I'm not a huge fan of clubbing on the weekends but made the exception on Friday to check out Q-Tip and Rich Medina spin at Santos, upstairs at 100 Lafayette. Umm...no regrets! The place was packed (literally) and the music, as expected, was super funky. If you're looking for a cool place to go Friday nights definitely check it out.
View from the top: Party people in the house

Q-Tip doing his thang...

Men in back: Q-Tip and Rich holding the house down

Friday, September 19, 2008
Art & Music Stir the Soul at the Beach
Pink Shoes
Thursday, September 18, 2008
On the street...Broadway & Spring, SoHo
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fashion Week in London...Whose Bicycles?
I liked this photo from Altamira…Fashion Week in
Monday, September 15, 2008
"Ready, Set... APOCALYPSE ride!" on Monday, September 22... Adelaide, Australia
Okay everyone
Social Ride...Adelaide, Australia
Event: Ready, Set... APOCALYPSE ride!... "the end of the word on bicycles"
What: Night of Mayhem
Start Time: Monday, September 22 at 7:00pm
End Time: Monday, September 22 at 9:00pm
Where: Victoria Square, Adelaide, Australia
Oakland’s Scrapers- Bicycles…. in the News Again
I have some photos taken a while back here, here, here, here and ALSO here. Enjoy!
Also a thanks and a tip of the bicycle helmet to Meli over at Bikes and the City who sent in this news tidbit!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Best Chic Bicyclist – SuperModel - Agyness Deyn
photo source/credit: MomaPop
photo source/credit:glamourmagazine.uk/rexfeatureas
photo source/credit: PopSugar
Friday, September 12, 2008
On the street...SoHo, NYC
I stopped by La Esquina for a quick taco and look who do I happen to see...
Mari J. Told ya you'd be seeing her here again. Rockin' the metallic accessories...and check out that great poodle earring.

Mari J's friend...Love her look, too.

Pink fedora, pink plaid pants, and burgundy Converse...you gotta give it to him. Somehow he's pulling it off.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Fall Boots
Slightly cooler weather brings out the boots... and I am completely in love with these boots.
When I look at this photo it's hard to believe it's not a street shot in Paris (or some other European City) like where VeloVogue is right now. Oh, to be in Paris!
Second look at this photo and all is perfect in my eyes (with the exception of possibly a nice back fender/skirt guard for the inevitable rains to come.) In other words after all of summer's floaty dresses, and beach attire, this Fall Look has me under it's spell.
Monday, September 8, 2008
12 years old..and she Gets IT!!!
I just love her bicycle, her gladiators, her red tights and her chic purple dress flying open as she rides... with cute little riding shorts underneath. Okay then check her out here.
*******Update: stylerookie maybe be a little provocative for some.
***Bicycle Fashion Riding Attire-Trend Spotting: bright tights
Round 2: Inside the tents...Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, Bryant Park
New York Fashion Week, day three. Nuff said.
Coordinated from head-to-toe...you gotta love it

Looking cool in short shorts and tall boots

Accessory du jour: The Man Bag...

...I took a picture of stylist David Melton (below) on day one. He was rockin' a fab man bag then, too. (Work it, girl.) And how cute are those top-siders?

A vision in white...with a 1920's vibe. Very pretty.

Rockin' the sunglasses at night. Loving the polka dot bow tie.

This is Mari J. I photographed her in the Lower East Side a while back. She was sporting a funky Pucci-esque ensemble that was hard to pull off, which I can appreciate. Clearly she rocks a lot of hard-to-pull-off outfits, which is why I'm giving her two spots in my house of style. I'm sure you'll be seeing her here again soon...