I know I speak for a lot of people when I say that yesterday was one of the most incredible days I’ve witnessed in my life. I obviously don’t need to get into how historical, exciting and emotional this presidential election has been, but I will say this: The renewed sense of hope here is beyond palpable. Yes we can? Yes we did!
Now to the streets...
Last night I couldn’t resist going to the belly of the city to witness, live, history in the making: Times Square.

Needless to say, the energy there was unbelievable! People everywhere were sporting Obama tees, pins and paraphernalia, and cheering as the electoral results came in live over the ginormous video screens.
(yeah, I wish took this picture...AP/Julie Jacobson)


I left before it was announced that Obama won (was stuck in a train back to the LES...), but as soon as I got back onto the street and heard cars honking and cheers (and tears) coming from inside of all the bars, I knew the wait was over...
change is here. Oh yeah, Obama!
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