Saturday, June 6, 2009

Nomad in the Suburbs

Note: Hi From the Road...Sorry for the drop-off in posting! And email responses...

(photocredit: Thomas Prior )

Greetings from deep within the Suburbs. I've been away, 'on the road' and for the most part these photos evoke the look and feel of the environment I've been visiting.

Something about the wide, easy streets invites you to bicycle around. The problem is that anywhere you ride just gives you more of the same suburb. It takes quite a long time to get to a cafe or market and then it's usually located on a very busy street with lots of dense car traffic. I do notice that plenty of kids ride bikes, and a few Moms with pretty cruisers or Dads on hybrids accompany the kids sometimes. I don't notice any bike commuters to speak of. The only walkers seem to be people walking their dogs.

I never really paid much attention to any of this before... until I started wanting to ride a bike as a lifestyle. Now every place I go, I look at that place entirely differently. The car (it's rented) got me to this suburb and the car will get me out. No wonder.

(I really love these photos by the way)

Anyway...I will be returning to regular posting before long. Forgive me if I still haven't responded to your email(s).

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