One-on-one & Crew Battles - Altman Building on 18th Street
This year I told myself I wouldn't bother taking pictures of people dancing because my lil' Coolpix camera is 1) semi-busted, and 2) just isn't fast enough to capture the speed of action. So instead, I give you photos from RSC's newest member, photographer extraordinaire, Mr. Joe Conzo. (Thanks for always being so generous, Joe!) You might notice a subtle difference in clarity and color between his and my pictures...
Even in mid-air this guy managed to stare down his opponent with major attitude...
I'm just going to come out and say it: I wish more b-boys and b-girls would get"fresh" when they come out to compete. I don't know if this guy was the best dancer at the event (or even the best-dressed), but I can appreciate his lemon-lime flavor. He even made the effort of doing mismatched, yet still color coordinated, socks.
Crew Battles: This is when the heat really gets turned up! It never ceases to amaze me how much skill and strength these dancers have. Some of the routines they broke out were absolutely incredible. (Why I don't own a video cam...?)
The Dynamic Rockers—winners of the crew battle (dynamic, indeed).

Victory: The crew gets flown to London in October to represent the U.S. at the Sony Ericsson U.K. B-boy Championships World Finals.
Generation Next: RSC's youngest member, B-boy Bailrok. Don't let that cute face fool you. This lil' guy will tear you up on the dance floor. It was exactly a year ago that his parents brought him to the 32nd Anniversary, where he pretty much stole the show. (Not much has changed since then...except now he's more than just a guest, he's a member. )
Another one RSC's shining young stars: B-girl Feenx. (Again, don't let that pretty face fool you...)
Photographer Henry Chalfant and Crazy Legs
Every year, Rock Steady Crew gives out the Spy Award, recognizing dancers who they believe represent the art of breaking to its highest degree of integrity (as the award says, "Spy’s partnership with the music showed that in order to rock the floor, you first had to let the music rock your soul.") This year, it went to b-boy Moy (unfortunately he wasn't able to be there). Here, RSC vice prez, Popmaster Fabel, finishes the award with his signature.
Servin' Ervin doing his thing.
Bobbito Garcia, a.k.a. Kool Bob Love, a.k.a. Cucumber Slice (slice, slice...)
B-girls Renegade and Mega
Mari Koda and Fever One
I mentioned earlier that Joe Conzo was RSC's newest member. Joe has been capturing hip-hop culture through the magic of his lens for decades and has sort of been an unofficial member of Rock Steady Crew for some time. Well, this year, they finally made it "official." Here, Crazy Legs and members of RSC huddle and devise a plan on how to trick Joe into thinking he's just going to take a picture...
As Joe waited to take the shot, Legs asked him to please join them in front of the camera, welcoming him into the crew.
Stay tuned for day 2 - Rock Steady For Life Free Outdoor Concert...
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