I often get asked questions about myself and my work so I thought I would try to answer some of them.
How old are you?
I am the oldest of four. Me - 32 (the opinionated one), Nic - 29 (the crazy one), John - 21 (the sensitive one) & James - 21 (the witty, clever one).

Where did you study?
Both Nic and I went to the same college. The College of West Anglia (formerly NORCAT)
We both studied a 2 year BTEC in Media Make-up and Hairdressing.
Apart from a summer job cooking doughnuts at Banham Zoo it is the only job I have ever done.
My Tutor was Louise Young, Yes thats right....the brush lady!
What makes you laugh?
Nothing makes me laugh like my family.
They are the single most important thing in my life.
My brothers and their girlfriends still live at home with my mum and her partner, Brian.
If we could, Danny and I would take the girls and move in too.
Mums house is full of love and laughter but its always bloody cold because she's tight with the central heating.

Where do you get your jewellery?
I have a healthy obsession with Jewellery, Hats, Shoes, Sunglasses and Bags.
Being a good size 14 and quite busty not every fashion suits me but accessories don't discriminate, they will always fit me no matter how much weight I put on or lose.
I get most of my jewellery from a shop called Soho Hip in Norwich but some of my favorite rings come from Hoxton Boutique in Old Street, London. I also love Vivienne Westwood earrings and Butler and Wilson for a bit of bling.
What motivates you?
I can't really say what motivates me without exposing aspects of my life that are incredibly private but suffice to say, what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger.
I also think that everyone has something that they are really good at, Nic and I are really good at make-up which is just as well because we suck at most other things.
What inspires you?
Beautiful images.
I get inspired by films, shows, shoots and campaigns. I live and breathe Make-up. It is my hobby and my career which is a little tiny bit tragic.
Are you glass half empty or glass half full?
For years the glass was half empty but its been full since I was about 22.
I think it was a defense mechanism, If I thought everything would go wrong then it was a bonus if it turned out Ok.
I distinctly remember one of my best friends saying to me that she couldn't deal with my negativity and that stuck with me. From that moment I decided to change my thought process.
I really believe that positive people get more opportunities and make things happen for themselves.
Why did you start your YouTube channel?
I made my first tutorial in October 2008 when I was heavily pregnant and bored. My face was the only part of me that still looked ok.
I didn't know anything about YouTube. I didn't know about subscribers or hits or the partner program. I just did it to make myself feel better and to relieve the boredom.
I still make tutorials for myself. I cannot create a tutorial if I am not inspired by the look or don't like the subject.
That is not to say that I don't listen and value the people that subscribe, comment and message. It is great to be able to share our knowledge and receive such amazing feedback from so many of you.
Eliza asked 'Do your family and friends watch you on YouTube?'
Mum watches us religiously but thats about it for family. As far as my make-up artist friends go, I am sure that they have checked it out but I don't expect they have tuned in more than once.
To be honest, I haven't asked them but I am pretty sure that after shooting all day the last thing they would want to do is watch someone else put make-up on.
Lizz asked 'Do you ever go out bare faced?'
Yes, but I hate it. Anyone who has kids will understand that sometimes you have to be somewhere at a certain time and before you know it you have 5 minutes to get out the door and you've spent the whole morning reasoning with your daughter about the skirt she doesn't want to wear. When this happens, I just hope that I don't bump into anyone I know.
Kerry and 3ate4 asked 'How did you change your attitude from negative to positive?'
It was a spiral, things happened when I was growing up that made me expect the worst but I hadn't realised just how negative I was until my friend told me and I had to look at the situation from other peoples point of view.
Negativity affects the people around you just as much as yourself. I reassessed what was important to me and made a very conscious decision never to be a victim.
To me, negativity is fear, fear of failure, fear of the unknown... I will not live my life in fear, it will taint every success.
Ultimately, I am responsible for every choice I make, my own happiness and destiny.
I could blame others for my short comings but whats the point, I don't want to waste my life in bitterness and regret.
Hence, What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Wow...I should write a self help book!
Jools asked 'If you had to use just one cosmetics range what would it be and why?'
Hmmmm...tough one.
I think it would be Estee Lauder or Jemma Kidd.
I think that they are great all rounders.
For example, I love Chanel foundations but the colour (shadows, blush etc) bores me.
I love MAC colour but the majority of skin products are vile. (Just my opinion)
If you have any questions that you want answered leave them as a reply and I will add them to this post.
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