Summer seersucker bicycle riding outfit
My closet is brimming full of summer seersuckers.
Ah, what I would have worn to the recent SeerSucker Social with the Dandies and Quaintrelles in Washington DC - if I'd been fortunate enough to have been able to attend!!

Goodness, my closet is shouting out screaming wear me, wear me! - in seersucker - I have one jacket dress suit (see top photo) one pink strapless dress, one skirt, one jumpsuit/romper, one halter top, one classic RL man shirt. I didn't know I was a such seersucker fan until I recently organized my closet and the truth came out.
p.s. as summer progresses I will attempt to do a little more self timed shots to docu/share with you some of my 'seersucker days' on my bicycle.
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